How To Finish Cedar Wood For Indoors

Finishing cedar wood for indoor use is a meticulous yet rewarding task.

Cedar wood, renowned for its durability and aromatic scent, is a popular choice for indoor furnishings and architectural elements.

When finished properly, it can enhance the aesthetic appeal of your interior spaces, adding a touch of rustic elegance.

Key Takeaways

  • Cedar wood is a versatile and aromatic wood, ideal for indoor use.
  • Proper finishing enhances the natural beauty and durability of cedar wood.
  • It is crucial to choose the right type of finish based on the wood’s application and the desired appearance.

How to Choose the Right Finish

When finishing cedar wood for indoors, it is crucial to choose the right type of finish. The finish should enhance the wood’s natural beauty and protect it from damage. Here are some recommended finishes for cedar wood:

  • Clear Wax: Ideal for smooth-faced cedar, brings out the natural lustre of the wood.
  • Danish Oil: Darkens the wood more than sealants and is great for traditional palettes.
  • Clear Lacquer: Suitable for smooth surfaces and best applied with an air-less sprayer.

Preparing the Wood

Before applying the finish, it is essential to prepare the cedar wood properly. Start by sanding the boards down with fine-grit sandpaper to create a smooth surface. Once the boards are sanded, you can proceed to apply the finish.

Applying the Finish

When applying the finish, ensure that it is evenly spread and that no areas are left uncovered. Use a brush or sprayer for clear plastic finishes, and for best results, apply two or more coats and sand with the grain in between applications.

Maintaining the Finish

Maintaining the finish is crucial to prolong the life of cedar wood. Regularly dust the wood and clean it with soapy water or thinners when necessary. Avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage the finish.

Advanced Finishing Techniques

Using a Sealant

Applying a sealant before the finish can help in achieving a more uniform look and protecting the wood from moisture and damage.

Layering Finishes

Layering different finishes can create unique effects on cedar wood, allowing for more customization and enhancement of the wood’s natural beauty.

Troubleshooting Finishing Issues

Dealing with Streaks

Streaks can occur due to uneven application of the finish. Using long, even strokes and a quality brush can help minimize this issue.

Correcting Bubbles

Bubbles in the finish can be corrected by sanding the affected area lightly and reapplying the finish.

Maintaining Finished Cedar Wood

Regular Cleaning

Regular cleaning with a soft cloth can maintain the appearance of finished cedar wood and prevent the accumulation of dust and grime.

Periodic Re-coating

Applying a new coat of finish periodically can protect the cedar wood and extend the life of the finish.

External Resources and Further Reading

For more detailed guides and tutorials on finishing techniques and wood care, the following resources can be helpful:

Frequently Asked Questions

Can cedar wood be finished without a sealant?

Yes, cedar wood can be finished without a sealant, but using one can enhance protection and appearance.

How long should the finish be left on cedar wood before handling?

The drying time can vary based on the type of finish used, but it is generally recommended to wait at least 24 hours before handling.

Is it necessary to sand between coats of finish?

Yes, sanding between coats can help in achieving a smoother finish and better adhesion of subsequent coats.

Can I use exterior grade finish for indoor cedar wood?

Yes, especially in high moisture areas like kitchens and bathrooms, an exterior grade of finish is recommended.

How long should I let green cedar acclimate before finishing?

Green (unseasoned) cedar should acclimate for at least 30 days before finishing.

Can I mix different brand name finishing products?

It is not recommended as incompatible formulations can lead to inconsistent color variations.

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