4 Best Types of Wood For Furniture in Oct(2024) Features, Drawbacks etc.

The new challenge for the beginners is not how to use the tool but which wood to choose for the intended work.

Market throws a lot of options and the buyer gets confused to choose the right one..

The given information must be enough to give you confidence to  get the quality wood of your choice..

Image showing the types of wood for furniture
Image by Stringpulp.com

Things to consider before deciding a wood for furniture.

How long can it last?

The durability of the wood allows it to withstand pressure, temperature, or even from wearing. Spending money on the wood that do not last is only a wastage of money.

Is it Exotic?

Basically knowing where its origin . It also tells you how much the wood is harder than the other. This is what we all want in dealing with the wood world.

Is it Stable?

The stability of the wood make it no prone to change unless in some extreme circumstances. Little tangible shrinkage is not a big problem.

Will I have its supply consistent?

if you are working on the wood and if the supplier is not consistent in the supply then it may put halt on your work for days if not a month or a week.

Is it within my budget?

The other thing you need to take care is whether it comes under your budget. no one really would like to break the account to get wood. Plan according to your budget and go for it.

Can I trust the retailer?

One of the most important things is to know your retailer. Knowing them well will give you confidence, and trust is built between the two of you.

Why is choosing the right wood so important?

Let’s be straight. All woods are not same .

Some are hard and some soft. There are variations even in the texture.  

Choosing a wrong wood can affect your relation with your clients.

Everyone wants something that can last long. It would be difficult to maintain trust if the criteria is not met.

From house construction and  framing to the toys, wood has a great role to play. The right choice gives satisfaction to both the you and your customers.

Wrong choice of woods can destroy work in many ways for example..

wood spoilt by water.
wood being spoilt by insects
wood spoilt by insects
spoilt wood due to wrong choice
spoilt wood due to wrong choice

Common Wood Types

Hardwood :

It is a kind of wood that comes from a deciduous tree.

These trees have leaves like oak and maple.  

These are physically harder than softwood. Balsa is an exception which is soft. Since it is deciduous it is considered as hardwood..

Here is a picture of Balsa incase you don’t know…

Balsa tree, Image by Stringpulp.com

When people usually talk about, they talk about the hardness of its physical hardness and softwood means soft in its physical softness.

Most people buy Dimensional Lumber that has been cut and dried with standard width and thickness. All solid lumber is susceptible to expansion and contraction.

During the rainy and humid season the wood draws the moisture making it expand the width and during the dry season it contracts as it loses that moisture.

Expansion and Contraction is an important topic to understand and to keep in mind when building with the solid wood. 

People mostly prefer hardwood in exotic species because of its grand pattern, colour, and durability. If you want to let the wood last for decades, then hardwood of any kind is a best choice. 

Basically these woods are rarely stained and spending a lot of money on covering it with paint is a waste of money.

These Woods are great for combining with other woods to achieve different looks. Walnuts and maple are some examples of the combination.

Chess board is the product of a combination.

One drawback of hardwood is that it is expensive. 

Especially the exotic species that cost a hundred dollars even for a small board. Also it may be difficult to find in your area. Luckily, online retailers provide it to you.

The most commonly used in America is oak. Walnut and maple are also available.

Here are few examples of hardwoods…


It is a kind of wood that comes from a conifer tree.typically that is a kind of needle and cones like pine.

On a large variety of talk on the softwood, the pine takes the first position. When going to the lumberyard or even passing by it, the scent that smells is that of the pine. 

It is a kind of common wood which you can buy and is the most  affordable.it is commonly used in the home construction and even the framing.

This wood is available in desired length and width.it is perfect for painting and the natural look is undeniable. The grain pattern of this wood is unique.

 If I have to suggest you pick one of these kinds, go for the one with a great nodes pattern. Feel free to show off its uniqueness. 

It is easy to work with and blades are gentle on these kinds.

The drawback that it gives is its softness.

This softness makes it dent and scratch easier than the hardwood.. It is not a good choice for furniture that needs a large use of it. 

Is challenging to find the fine boards that are straight and not curved, especially the wider they get.

Anyhow you can check it straight with one eye closed.

Do not be in a rush to find the best boards..

Examples of Hardwoods and Softwoods.

Hardwood and Softwoods example Images
Hardwood and softwood examples. Image by Stringpulp.com


It is one of the most commonly used wood in the market. It is a versatile product as it can be combined with other wood to give the required product.

It is always confusing to buy because of its many types with all designated codes describing them. 

They differ from solid lumber because this plywood is manufactured. The real wood is stacked opposite to the grain direction and glued together. Crisscrossing gives strength and stability. 

Thickness that comes henceforth is mindblowing with variations. Common thickness is ¾ inches or very close to that. 

The more the ply, the higher the quality of the product is.plywood sanded both the sides are of the best quality..

Plywood Example : Image by Stringpulp.com

If you are to buy one, look for the one that has the least void along the edges. The most commonly used is Baltic Birch. Maple and oak can also be used but it is expensive.

If you are choosing for the shop project, then there is nothing wrong with buying the lesser grade to save money.

There is a lot more advantage in the plywood than that of solid lumber.in the US it is inexpensive, strong, stable.

There is no need to worry about the expansion and contraction.

It is a great option for the large surfaces like the table top.

One disadvantage is that it cannot be carried by a single person as it is heavy and broad. Its face is great but a little eyesore. This can be covered with iron on the edges which is really great.

Or you can make your own edge banding…

MDF(Medium Density Fiberboard)

It is not the  taste of everyone. Ig is also inexpensive compared to others. It is useful for projects like knock down furniture such as assembling from IEKA and other retailers.

This material is kind to the machines, easy to work with and cuts like butter.

It is the best and the great option for small decorative interior projects..

It also has its drawbacks. It is generally more fragile than the other above. The edges collapse like the cardboard if not careful.

MDF Example, Image by Stringpulp.com

It cannot handle the shelves more than two feet tall. It  may collapse.it is no fun to move full sized as it is heavy. Another big drawback is its nasty fine dust when saw or sand..

There are tons of other materials too. I hope this is enough information, giving confidence to you to get one. That will make your work like the master in the field..

If you don’t mind working a little more, then you can take wood from old pallets and start working . Don’t be afraid to try something new…

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